The one breast test that replaces the rest.

At perfeQTion, we offer cutting-edge technology to screen for breast cancer. Our imaging uses sound waves to create a 3D reconstruction of the breast in minutes. This revolutionary approach offers a safe, comfortable, fast, radiation-free, and efficient alternative to the current breast imaging methods.

The Future of Breast Imaging

  • Safe & Comfortable

    Our scan avoids trauma, painful compression, and ensures patient comfort. This technology emits zero radiation, so women of all ages can be safely scanned.

  • For All Breasts

    Our scan is adept at imaging through dense tissue. Traditional imaging, struggles to detect cancer in dense breast tissue, affecting nearly half of all women.

  • True 3D Clarity

    Our scan utilizes advanced technology to provide unparalleled clarity, offering 3D images of the breast structure, and enhancing the diagnostic capabilities.

  • FDA Cleared

    Our scan technology has multiple FDA clearances including Breakthrough Device designation using transmitted sound to create a true 3D image.

Rethinking Breast Screening

For the last 50 years, the gold standard of breast cancer screening has been mammogram. Mammograms are painful, traumatic, dangerous, highly inaccurate, and require frequent call backs which lead to unnecessary additional imaging and biopsies. This archaic method causes more harm than good.

The time for change is now

Introducing perfeQTion, innovative imaging technology uses sound waves to create a 3D image of the breast, offering a safe, comfortable, fast, radiation-free, accurate, cost-effective, and efficient alternative to current breast imaging methods.

We aim to empower women with safe, comfortable, and precise breast screenings.

With perfeQTion, women can now undergo screenings earlier and as frequently as needed, all without risk. Embrace this advanced imaging solution for a proactive approach to your health.


  • The perfeQTion scan is available to any woman interested in monitoring her breast health. This scan is safe and effective for women of all ages, making it a versatile tool for detecting breast abrasions. It's recognized as one of the most advanced and reliable tests currently available for breast screening.

  • The perfeQTion scan is designed to be a comfortable experience, minimizing discomfort typically associated with medical imaging. It utilizes non-invasive technology, ensuring that the process is as pain-free as possible.

  • No referral is required to undergo a perfeQTion scan. Since this scan is not covered by insurance, it is accessible to anyone who chooses to opt for this screening method at their discretion.

  • Each perfeQTion scan is read by a board-certified radiologist who specializes in QT Technology Imaging. These professionals are trained and licensed in the state where the scan center is located, ensuring high standards of diagnostic accuracy.

Dr. Jenn Simmons, Founder of perfeQTion

“At perfeQTion, we prioritize transparency and guide women towards real health, ensuring no woman faces the dangers of outdated screenings.”

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Take the first step towards empowered and informed breast health.